Endocrine Services

As pioneers leading the practice of Endocrinology, we are dedicated to providing top-notch care for all our patients. From consultation to treatment, we prioritize your well-being and health above all else.

At Endocrine Associates of Rockland, we offer a wide variety of services to aid in the complete care we deliver to our patients. All of these services are provided onsite for your convenience and comfort.

In-House Laboratory Testing

Our in-house laboratory means having your blood test done without having to leave the office! We offer a full range of services including one-on-one education and training for our diabetic patients.

Diabetes Education and Nutrition

Discover the depth of our knowledge and the excellence of our care with our board certified diabetes educator.

Our Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist stays up to date with the latest technology and insurance coverage requirements for continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps.

Ancillary Services

Embrace a comprehensive approach to health with our advanced services. Bone density scans, thyroid ultrasounds, carotid and PVR ultrasounds, and ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of the thyroid.